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室内也能玩的彩虹滑道 刺激彩虹滑道 短滑道定制

  • 发布时间:2019-11-01 15:26:19



    The colorful effect of the seven-color dry ski track is very dynamic in the process of the snow circle movement.


    Seven-color slope dry ski runway is usually built on the basis of the mountain body. It looks like several rainbows pouring down from a distance. It is easy to attract visitors'vision. This is the great attraction of rainbows. All kinds of factors, such as speed control, degree control and safety control, have been well balanced in the design of the project. It can be said that as long as there is a little grip, even children can participate in the play, so it is suitable for all ages and strong participation.


    Rainbow Skiway can be made into a large project with small cost. It covers a large area, has strong sensory impact, and has abundant playing methods, such as multi-person ski circle interaction, wave curved ski track, wave swing changing ski track, rainbow ski track, Snowboard Ski track, etc. It can attract parents and children tourists, young tourists, student tourists and other groups, and can also carry out skiing training. Training, make up for the off-season income.


    Four Seasons Dry Snow Skiway can be built in large-scale tourist attractions. As one of the main supporting projects of the scenic spots, the allocation of dry snow in scenic spots is a choice of advantages over disadvantages. Dry snow farm is a good project that can be operated in all seasons.


    It does not need water and electricity, no seasonal restrictions, no climate restrictions, give full play to the value of existing facilities, instantly became the favorite of major scenic spots, playgrounds, ecological farms and other places.


    Seven-color slideway, also known as rainbow slideway, because its beautiful slideway is like a beautiful rainbow hanging on the horizon, beautiful and fantastic! Compared with water skating and ice skating, this is a colorful sloping dry skating, but this does not mean that it will be boring, it is a joyful, exciting slide, sitting on the slide circle, you can enjoy the joy of sliding down from the top!


    The rapid popularity of rainbow slideway installation not only brings infinite joy to tourists, but also brings new investment opportunities to investors. The installation of dry ski runway has high appearance, low investment and high public awareness. It can be safely invested and operated in scenic spots, farms, parks, amusement parks and other venues.






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