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  • 发布时间:2025-03-29 17:18:25

    产品性能 Product productivity

    工作区域                         Working Platform 

    1.4m * 0.7m工作平台              Platform size: 1.4m * 0.7m    

    载重能力230kg                    Load capacity: 230kg      

    160°平台回转                    Platform rotation:160° 

    动力                             Power 

    320Ah/48V直流动力源              320Ah/48V DC Power Supply

    安-全                             Safety 

    下降和移动报警                   Descent & Movement Alarms

    倾斜报警                         Tilt Alarm

    喇叭                             Horn

    平台和底盘紧急停止               Platform and chassis emergency stops

    应急动力单元                     Emergency Power Unit

    两轮制动系统                     Two-wheel brake system

    智能速度控制                     Smart Speed Control

    驱动                             Drive

    两轮驱动                         Two-Wheel Drive

    其他特征                         Other Features

    等比例自动调平系统               Equal proportion automatic leveling system

    比例手柄控制                     Proportional Joystick Controls

    行驶确认                         Drive Enable

    计时器                           Hour Meter

    355°非连续转台回转              355°Turntable Non-continuous Rotation

    全时正牵引驱动                   Positive Traction Two Wheel Drive

    全速行走马达                     Full speed motor

    远程信息处理预接口               Telematics Pre-interface

    主动防御保护系统                 Active defense system

    抗恶劣环境保护组件               Harsh Environment Kits

    拇指摇杆转向                     Thumb Rocker Steer

    手动应急收车                     Manual emergency recovery

    可选配置Option availability

    实心无痕轮胎                     Solid, non-marking tires

    机械防挤压装置                   Mechanical Anti-Extrusion Protection System 

    空气管连接至平台选项             Air tube connection to platform option

    锂电电池和增程器                 Lithium Battery and Power plus generator

    铝合金及绝缘工作斗               Aluminum alloy and Insulated working bucket

    耐寒、防火、可生物降解液压油    Cold-resistant, fire-resistant and biodegradable hydraulic oil

    功能特点Functional features

    1. 产品轻量节能、紧凑小巧、续航出色。


    The product is lightweight and energy-saving, with excellent battery life.

    V14 is a 14-meter-class electric mobile articulating lift that meets customer needs, with intelligent and perfect control system, humanized layout, and lubrication-free design , consequently easy to use and maintain. It Provides comprehensive security protection and rich configuration options.

    2. “Σ型”组合臂架,结构紧凑,伸展灵活,可实现垂直升降、水平伸展,具有极强越障能力;160°可旋转平台,提供更大作业范围;窄型转台,紧凑布局,提高作业效率,可切换收藏状态,采用铝合金工作斗,可灵活拆装。

    “Σ-shaped” boom with compact structure and flexible extension can realize vertical lifting and horizontal extension and has strong obstacle-surpassing ability. 160°rotatable platform provides a larger working range, while narrow turntable with layout, improves work efficiency. The storage state of the vehicle can be switched, and the aluminum alloy working bucket can be disassembled and assembled flexibly.

    3. 全幅度作业,控制面板直观友好,操作简单;电液比例系统控制精-准高-效。提供底盘倾斜保护、应急降落、安-全速度限制、柔性化起停技术等保护措施。

    Intuitive and friendly control panel makes easy to operate full range operation. Electro-hydraulic proportional system control is accurate and efficient. It provides chassis tilt protection, emergency landing, safe speed limit, flexible start and stop technology and other protective measures.



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