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  • 发布时间:2025-03-01 20:24:11
    用户等级:普通会员 已认证





    What are the maintenance methods for hammer crushers

    1. Regularly inspect the wear of internal components of the machine, such as the wear degree of the central feeding tube, cone cap, impeller upper and lower channel lining plates, circumferential guard plates, and jaw plates. Those with severe wear should be repaired or replaced in a timely manner. At the same time, the weight, model, and size of the replaced components must be replaced according to the original component parameters.

    2. Regular attention should be paid to and timely lubrication of the friction surface when performing lubrication work, and the lubricating grease used should be determined according to the location of use and temperature conditions. Generally, calcium based, sodium based, and calcium sodium based lubricating greases are used; When adding lubricating grease, the raceway of the roller bearing should be cleaned with clean or kerosene first, and then added. The lubricating grease added to the bearing seat should be about 50% of its spatial volume. The manufacturer of the hammer sand making machine should replace it every 3-6 months, which ensures the normal operation of the machine and extends its service life.

    3. To keep the equipment clean, it is necessary to regularly maintain its cleanliness, ensuring that there is no accumulation of dust, oil, oil, water, electricity, or dust. It is also important to note that dust and other debris should not enter the lubrication system and lubrication parts. Hammer sand making machines are sold in stock because these debris not only damage the lubricating oil film, but also cause the equipment to lose lubrication and increase wear, shortening its service life; Special attention should be paid to regular cleaning of bearings. After 2000 hours of operation, the crusher should open the main shaft assembly to clean the bearings. Generally, new bearings should be replaced after 7200 hours of operation.



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