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隔离墩模板 款式多样 确保质量 厂家批发

  • 发布时间:2022-01-03 14:18:24



    With the development trend of national mold, we make continuous progress and catch up with and surpass. In order to meet the increasing needs of customers, our products have various specifications, styles and preferential prices to ensure quality, and the old molds can be recycled. And, wholeheartedly provide you with good service. Strive to become a leader and driver in the industry. With the continuous growth of the manufacturing industry, the hexagonal slope protection mold in China will continue to develop for a long time. From manufacturers to middlemen to downstream enterprises, they have been upgrading and converting in recent years, and even use e-commerce platform to bring new changes to the whole domestic trade. From the market situation, mold manufacturers should develop large, precision, complex and long-life molds with high technical content.

    Using the isolation pier mold to produce some concrete isolation piers used at highway and expressway entrances can understand the production method of concrete isolation pier in advance and better understand the isolation pier mold. First, we need to assemble the isolation pier mold and assemble different parts together, because the mold is not integrated and can be disassembled. During demoulding, the product can be obtained by disassembling the mold, which makes the process steps more simple and convenient. Then apply oil. The purpose of painting is to increase the smoothness of the inner surface of the mold, and also to achieve the purpose of faster and more convenient in the demoulding process. Then filling. In this process, a vibrating rod needs to be added to maintain the vibration mode during the process of adding raw materials to the mold. In this way, the product can be formed to achieve the expected hardness.


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