品牌:RETZ/我们一直致力于流体控制和测控领域的持续创新,始于2005……进口直行程气动执行器实现安全的开关及调节的自动化控制,RETZ直行程阀门气动执行机构严格按照质量标准制造,确保使用的可靠性和安全性,涵盖范围广泛的应用系列,同时可以根据用户要求的推力和行程进行设计制造,或那些超出了本文的范围,包括直行程液压执行机构 The imported straight stroke pneumatic actuator achieves safe switching and automatic control of adjustment. The RETZ straight stroke valve pneumatic actuator is manufactured strictly according to quality standards, ensuring reliability and safety in use, covering a wide range of application series. At the same time, it can be designed and manufactured according to the thrust and stroke requirements of users, or those beyond the scope of this article, including straight stroke hydraulic actuators
进口活塞式直行程气动执行器产品应用 Product application
CTM系列直行程气动执行器(活塞式)适用于大多数类型的楔形闸阀,平板闸阀、刀闸阀、截止阀、罐阀和轨道球阀 和轨道旋塞阀。其他应用包括风门等The CTM actuators are designed to operate most types of wedge gate valves, slab gate valves, knife gate valves, globe valves, tank valves and rising stem ball and plug valves. Other applications include louvers.
进口活塞式直行程气动执行器产品特性 FEATURES
1、弹簧杆螺母被锁定,以防止未经许可拆卸弹簧筒 Spring rod nut is locked to prevent unauthorized disassembly of the spring cartridge
2、活塞杆退回位置及活塞杆伸出长度可调节,特殊要求的行程调节, 请咨询工厂 Adjustable travel stop for the rod-retract position, piston bottoms out for the rod-extend position. Specific travel applications available, consult factory
3、邵氏70度的丁晴橡胶密封圈,可根据要求提供其它材料的密封圈 70 durometer Nitrile seals, other seal materials available upon request
4、所有型号产品标准结构带有活塞环、传动杆衬套 Piston wear band, drive rod bushing are standard for all models
5、气缸材料碳钢喷涂PTFE Pneumatic cylinder material is PTFE coated carbon steel.
6、气缸隔板和气缸端盖材料为碳钢 Cylinder plate and endcap material is carbon steel
7、外部拉杆在超压情况发生时可以起到释放能量的作用,便于检查和维修 External pull rod can rise to release the energy in case of overpressure condition, easy to check and repair
8、气缸板采用了气动分配槽,使得起始推力化 Cylinder plate cylinder plate adopts pneumatic distribution channel, the initial thrust maximization
9、传动杆材料是合金钢镀铬,可选用不锈钢 Drive rod material is alloy steel chrome plated, with option for stainless steel
10、可拆卸安装基座允许实地配套阀门 Removable mounting pedestal allows field adaption to the valve
11、旋转阀杆连接器为便于安装和行程调整 Swivel stem connector for ease of installation and stroke adjustment
1.手动螺旋操作Manual Jackscrew Override
Sl系列直行程阀门驱动装置可以配带单向螺杆手轮手动装置,在紧急情况 下以及空气或电力出现故障时使用。单向螺杆手轮手动装置也可以用来使驱 动装置处于中间行程的一个特定位置。
The SL Series of linear valve actuators are available with a unidirectional manual jackscrew handwheel override for emergency use when plant air or power gas is unavailable. The override can also be used to hold the actuator in a particular position.
2.液压手动装置 Hydraulic Manual Override
对于要求推力高、安装单向螺杆手轮手动装置尺寸空间不允许或缺乏可操作 性时,可以使用液压手动操作机构。For models where a jackscrew override is not feasible due to high thrust requirements, dimensional clearance or lack of accessibility, a manual hydraulic override is available
CTM阀门驱动装置可以配带一个液压手动装置(HY), 双向为双作用, 单向为弹簧复位用,类型“FS”或“FR” The SL actuators are also available with a manual hydraulic override (-‘HY’), bidirectional for double-acting and unidirectional for spring-return, type‘FS’or‘FR’
液压手动装置也可以被用作起阻尼作用来精确地控制气缸速度。The override can also be used as a dampener for precise control of the cylinder speed
![RETZ瑞茨品牌 进口活塞式直行程气动执行器](http://pic.bestb2b.com/f7843f20d53ebf33ff6dcfb09d0bf2d9.jpg)