(Wafer type) imported pneumatic ultra-thin ball valve is composed of single (double) action pneumatic actuator and ultra-thin ball valve, which is characterized by compact structure, short length, small volume, close distance between valve seat and end flange, less material retention, and excellent sealing performance
进口气动超薄型球阀产品详情 Product details
(对夹式)气动超薄型球阀球芯通道形状有V形及O形,具有结构长度短、重量轻、安装方便、节省材料等显著优点,适用于安装位置比较短的场合,维修方便,阀门设计易拆卸,在阀门一端有螺旋阀盖,此阀盖控制阀座与球芯密封及开关松紧度 进口气动超薄型球阀2.jpgRETZ (Wafer type) imported pneumatic ultra-thin ball valve has V-shaped and O-shaped ball core channels. It has the advantages of short structure length, light weight, convenient installation, material saving, etc. It is suitable for short installation positions. It is easy to maintain, and the valve design is easy to disassemble. One end of the valve is equipped with a screw bonnet, which controls the tightness of the valve seat and the ball core seal and the switch
设计标准/ Design∶ ASME B1634
壁厚标准/ Wall Thidkness∶ASME B16.34
防火标准/Fie Safe API 607 ISO 10497
法兰标准/End Flange ASME B16.5
检测标准/Inspection&Testing; API598
阀芯(球体)为球形,从结构上看,密封时球体阀座嵌在阀体侧阀座上 The valve element (ball) is spherical. From the structural point of view, the ball valve seat is embedded on the valve seat at the valve body side during sealing
开闭操作是杠杆手柄式时,通过将手柄旋转 90 度,可使流体停止流动 When the opening and closing operation is lever handle type, the fluid flow can be stopped by rotating the handle 90 degrees
由于软密封阀座其优异的机械和物理性能,使得其密封性尤佳 Because of its excellent mechanical and physical properties, the soft seal valve seat has excellent sealing performance
阀杆带有防静电设置 Ant-Static Devices For Bal- Stem- Body
阀杆带有防脱出装置设计 Blow-out Proof Stem
钢球球槽上有泄压孔设计 Pressure Balance Hole n Bl Slot
进口气动超薄型球阀执行器参数 Actuator parameters
采用双作用式和单作用式(弹簧复位)气动执行器,齿轮齿条传动,安全可靠;大口径阀门采用系列AW型气动执行器拔叉式传动,结构合理,输出扭矩大 Double acting and single acting (spring return) pneumatic actuators are used for rack and pinion transmission, which is safe and reliable; The large diameter valve adopts series AW pneumatic actuator fork type transmission, with reasonable structure and large output torque
1、齿轮式双活塞,输出力矩大,体积小 Gear type double piston, large output torque, small volume
2、可在顶部、底部安装手动操作机构 Manual operating mechanism can be installed at the top and bottom
3、齿条式连接可调节开启角度、额定流量 Rack type connection can adjust opening angle and rated flow
4、执行器可选带电讯号反馈指示及各类附件以实现自动化操作 The actuator can select live signal feedback indication and various accessories to realize automatic operation
5、IS05211标准连接为产品的安装更换提供了方便 IS05211 standard connection provides convenience for product installation and replacement
6、两端调的节螺钉可使标准产品在0°和90°有±4°的可调范围。确保与阀门的同步精度 The adjustable pitch screws at both ends can make the standard products have an adjustable range of ± 4 ° at 0 ° and 90 °. Ensure synchronization accuracy with the valve
执行器形式 AT系列单双作用气动执行器
供气压力 0.4~0.7MPa
气源接口 G1/4"、G1/8"、G3/8"、G1/2"
环境温度 -30~+70℃
作用形式 单作用执行机构:气关式(B)--失气时阀位开(FO);气开式(K)--失气时阀位关(FC)
双作用执行机构:气关式(B)--失气时阀位保持(FL);气开式(K)-- 失气时阀位保持(FL)
可配附件 定位器、电磁阀、空气过滤减压器、保位阀、行程开关、阀位传送器、手轮机构等
![RETZ瑞茨品牌 进口气动超薄型球阀 气动对夹球阀](http://pic.bestb2b.com/3156b3b8b67e436cc4ea82878e36d27b.jpg)