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  • 发布时间:2023-03-10 14:18:02
    用户等级:普通会员 已认证
    Bergquist Hi-Flow 300P(HIFLOWTHF1600P)导热绝缘相变化材料 材料生产商:美国贝格斯(BERGQUIST)公司研发产品 Hi-Flow 300P(HIFLOWTHF1600P)可供规格: 厚度: 0.102mm 0.11mm 0.127mm 片材mm*304.8 mm 卷材mm*76.2 m 持续使用温度:150° 导热系数:1.6W/m-K 热阻: 0.13C-in2/W(25psi) 背胶: 单面带压敏胶/不带胶 颜色:绿色 Hi-Flow 300P(HIFLOWTHF1600P)应用材料特性: Hi-Flow 300P(HIFLOWTHF1600P)已被市场认可了的聚酰亚胺基材,很好的绝缘性能,良好的抗切割性能,此款材料在使用过程中需要注意事项:(HIFLOWTHF1600P)是一款相变化导热绝缘片,不仅仅是导热,而且是绝缘的。在市面上绝大部分的相变导热片都是只导热,不绝缘的。这款(HIFLOWTHF1600P)相变导热片二者兼顾。此款材料的相变化温度为:55摄氏度。所以在夏季使用的时候,需要特别注意需要低温冷藏。 Hi-FlowP (HIFLOWTHF1600P)consists of a thermally conductive 55°C phase change compound coated on a thermally conductive polyimide film.The polyimide reinforcement makes the material easy to handle and the 55°C phase change temperature minimizes shipping and handling problems. Hi-FlowP achieves superior values in voltage breakdown and thermal performance when compared to its competition.The product is supplied on an easy release liner for exceptional handling in high volume manual assemblies. Hi-Flow 300P (HIFLOWTHF1600P)is designed for use as a thermal interface material between electronic power devices requiring electrical isolation to the heat sink. Bergquist suggests the use of spring clips to assure constant pressure with the interface and power source. Please refer to thermal performance data to determine nominal spring pressure for your application. Hi-Flow 300P(HIFLOWTHF1600P)材料说明: 在CPU或功率元器件和散热器之间作为导热界面,Hi-Flow相变化材料是导热膏很好的替代物。材料在特定的相变化温度下从固态变成液态,可以来确保总的界面润湿,无溢出。与导热膏比较,它无脏污,污染和麻烦。 Hi-Flow 300P(HIFLOWTHF1600P)典型应用: 弹片/扣具安装 独立的功率半导体和模块 Hi-Flow 300P(HIFLOWTHF1600P)技术优势分析: 和其他品牌同类产品相比较,Hi-Flow 300P(HIFLOWTHF1600P)在击穿电压和导热性能上更胜一筹。该产品提供易撕离型纸,在大规模的人工装配中特别便利。


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